Rich Schools, Poor Students: Tapping Large University Endowments to Improve Student Outcomes

Wednesday, September 16, 2015
4:00pm - 6:00pm with Reception to follow
8th Floor Barrows, Social Science Matrix (map)
Dr. Jorge Klor de Alva
President of Nexus Research and Policy Center

“Rich Schools, Poor Students: Tapping Large University Endowments to Improve Student Outcomes” was a study that was published by the Nexus Research & Policy Center in April 2015. Jorge Klor de Alva will be covering the compelling findings outlined in this report. Which reveals that not all private universities are private. Many of the richest universities in the country, sitting on hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars in tax exempt endowments, receive government subsidies through tax laws that dwarf the appropriations received by public universities and colleges. Moreover, access without success is not opportunity. And welfare to the wealthy through hidden subsidies is not good policy. This study shines light on the latter and proposes a revenue neutral way to apply money generated by reforming existing tax policy to provide real opportunities for success to community college students.

In the News:

  Should Stanford's Endowment be Taxed? KQED Radio- September 14th 2015  

 "Are Harvard, Yale, Stanford Really Public Universities"The Washington Post. April 6. 2015

"Tax-Exempt Status of Large College Endowments Hurts Taxpayers, Report Argues" The Chronicle of Higher Education. April 6. 2015.

"Widening the Wealth Gap" Inside Higher Education.May 21. 2015


Dr. Jorge Klor de Alva is President of Nexus Research and Policy Center, an independent, non-profit research and policy advocacy organization whose goal is the improvement of colleges serving nontraditional and underserved students. He is also Chairman of 3DMX, Inc. Earlier he served as President of the University of Phoenix and was also past Chairman and CEO of Apollo International, Inc. Prior to that he was the Class of 1940 Professor at University of California, Berkeley, where he earned his B.A. and J.D. before earning a Ph.D. at University of California, Santa Cruz.

 Missed the event? Check out the recorded seminar on Youtube