Videos of Recent CSHE Events

Friday, January 1, 2016

The Center for Studies in Higher Education is excited to announce that our seminar series and other events are available for viewing through our Youtube Channel. Watch seminars from our recent Fall Colloquium Series.  Join the conversation by commenting on the videos! 

November 17th- "The Growing Correlation Between Race and SAT Scores: New Findings From California" Saul Geiser

November 13th- "Charting a Sustainable Financial Model" Nathan Brostrom

November 5th"A New Model for the American Research University" William Dabars

October 28thLeveraging Institutional Data to Tellthe University of California’s Story” Pamela Brown 

October 20th"Disparities in Publishing Between Minority & Majority Graduate Students in STEM Fields at Berkeley" Mark Richards

October 12th-"Pension Reform in Public Higher Education" James A. Hyatt

October 7th"Excellent Sheep: The Miseducation of the American Elite" William Deresiewicz

October 2nd- "America Needs Talent: What It Will Take for a Second American Century" Jamie Merisotis

September 21st"Minerva: A New Kind of Higher Education" Stephen M. Kosslyn

September 16th"Rich Schools, Poor Students: Tapping Large University Endowments to Improve Student Outcomes" Jorge Klor de Alva