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Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)

The Center for Studies in Higher Education publishes online research papers and essays that reflect multidisciplinary fields, contribute to influencing and expanding the body of research on higher education, and enhance dialogue among educators, policy makers, and the public.

The CSHE Research and Occasional Paper Series (ROPS) includes working papers, original research studies, reflective essays by authors affiliated with CSHE, and major reports generated by CSHE related research projects. Authors are responsible for the content, and the views and interpretations expressed are not necessarily those of CSHE's research staff and other affiliated researchers. Questions regarding the content of individual ROPS contributions and CSHE research reports should be directed to the authors. 

Articles by CSHE-Affiliated Scholars

There are many newspaper and journal articles by CSHE-affiliated scholars available on the internet. We have provided links to many of them from this website.


Books by CSHE scholars are also linked from a list on this site

Chronicle of the University of California

The Chronicle of the University of California was a scholarly journal on the history of the University of California, organized around single themes that presented an inherent longitudinal view of the university's development.

CSHE and SERU Reports

CSHE Reports and SERU Reports are research reports related to major Center-based scholarly and policy-based research  projects. 

Title Author Year Publication typesort descending
What's For Sale These Days In Higher Education: Two Stories Robert M. Rosenzweig 1999 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
Rethinking Admissions: US Public Universities In The Post-Affirmative Action Age Richard C. Atkinson; Patricia A. Pelfrey 2004 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
Research Universities: Core of the U.S. Science and Technology System Richard C. Atkinson; William A. Blanpied 2007 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
The Influence of Wealth and Race in Four-Year College Attendance Su Jin Jez 2008 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
POLICY OPTIONS FOR UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BUDGETING Charles E. Young 2011 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
A PROVOST FOR PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES C. Judson King 2013 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
Restructuring Public Higher Education Governance to Succeed in a Highly Competitive Environment by James A. Hyatt James A. Hyatt 2015 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
BEYOND THE MASTER PLAN: The Case for Restructuring Baccalaureate Education in California Saul Geiser; Richard C. Atkinson 2010 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
Undergraduate Time Use and Academic Outcomes: Results from UCUES 2006, by Steven G. Brint and Allison M. Cantwell Steven G. Brint; Allison M. Cantwell 2008 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
Can Public Research Universities Compete? Steven Brint 2006 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
A New Cycle of UK Higher Education Reforms: New Labour and New Fees May Foster Mission Differentiation John Aubrey Douglass 2004 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
Politics, Markets, and University Costs: Financing Universities in the Current Era, by Roger L. Geiger Roger L. Geiger 2000 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
ASYMMETRY BY DESIGN? Identity Obfuscation, Reputational Pressure, and Consumer Predation in U.S. For-Profit Higher Education, by Adam Goldstein and Charlie Eaton CSHE 5.20 (May 2020) Adam Goldstein; Charlie Eaton 2020 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
The University of California’s Faculty Code of Conduct at Fifty: A Procedural and Sociological History of UC’s Evolving Ecosystem of Policies, Rules and Norms for Faculty Discipline, by William C. Kidder, CSHE 12.21 (December 2021) Wiliam C. Kidder 2021 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
Investing In Educational Technologies: The Challenge Of Reconciling Institutional Strategies, Faculty Goals, And Student Expectations Diane Harley 2002 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)