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Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)

The Center for Studies in Higher Education publishes online research papers and essays that reflect multidisciplinary fields, contribute to influencing and expanding the body of research on higher education, and enhance dialogue among educators, policy makers, and the public.

The CSHE Research and Occasional Paper Series (ROPS) includes working papers, original research studies, reflective essays by authors affiliated with CSHE, and major reports generated by CSHE related research projects. Authors are responsible for the content, and the views and interpretations expressed are not necessarily those of CSHE's research staff and other affiliated researchers. Questions regarding the content of individual ROPS contributions and CSHE research reports should be directed to the authors. 

Articles by CSHE-Affiliated Scholars

There are many newspaper and journal articles by CSHE-affiliated scholars available on the internet. We have provided links to many of them from this website.


Books by CSHE scholars are also linked from a list on this site

Chronicle of the University of California

The Chronicle of the University of California was a scholarly journal on the history of the University of California, organized around single themes that presented an inherent longitudinal view of the university's development.

CSHE and SERU Reports

CSHE Reports and SERU Reports are research reports related to major Center-based scholarly and policy-based research  projects. 

Title Author Year Publication type
Student Engagement in a Brazilian Research University, by Ana Maria Carneiro and Camila Fior, CSHE.3.23 (June 2023) Ana Maria Carneiro, Camila Fior 2023 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
Strengthening the Liberal Arts Along the Pacific Rim: The Pacific Alliance of Liberal Arts Colleges (PALAC) by Bryan E. Penprase and Thomas Schneider, CSHE 2.23 (April 2023) Bryan Edward Penprase, Thomas Schneider 2023 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
Strategies for E-Learning in Universities Chris Curran 2004 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
Strategies For E-Learning In Universities Chris Curran 2004 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
Strategic Budgeting at Colleges and Universities by James A. Hyatt CSHE 3.20 (May 2020) James A. Hyatt 2020 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
Straight Talk on Student Loans, by Robert Shireman Robert Shireman 2004 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
Straight Talk On Student Loans Robert Shireman 2004 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
Special Issue: Opportunities and Challenges for California Higher Education 2024 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
South Korea's Higher Education System Through California Eyes by John Aubrey Douglass CSHE 4.20 (May 2020) John Aubrey Douglass 2020 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
Some Consequences Of The New Information And Communication Technologies For Higher Education Martin Trow 2000 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
Some Consequences of the New Information and Communication Technologies for Higher Education Martin Trow 2000 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
Socio-cultural barriers and affordances for data sharing and citation standards and practices: Issues of time, credit, and peer review Diane Harley 2012 Journal Articles
Small Liberal Arts Colleges and Enrollment Capacity at Public Universities: Imagining a Consortium Approach by Carol T. Christ Carol Christ 2016 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
SINO-AMERICAN JOINT PARTNERSHIPS: Why Some Succeed and Others Fail Daniel J. Julius; Mitch Leventhal 2014 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
Shifting Identities, Blurring Boundaries: The Changing Roles of Professional Managers in Higher Education Celia Whitchurch 2008 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)