Why Study Users? An Environmental Scan of Use and Users of Digital Resources in Humanities and Social Sciences Undergraduate Education |
Diane Harley; Jonathan Henke; Shannon Lawrence |
2006 |
Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS) |
From Field to Table: Agriculture and Gastronomy at the University |
2006 |
Chronicle of the University of California |
The Influence of Academic Values on Scholarly Publication and Communication Practices |
Diane Harley; Sarah Earl-Novell; Jennifer Arter; Shannon Lawrence; C. Judson King |
2006 |
Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS) |
The Regulation of E-learning: New National and International Policy Perspectives |
Diane Harley; Shannon Lawrence |
2006 |
Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS) |
Industry, Philanthropy, and Universities:The Roles and Influences of the Private Sectorin Higher Education |
Charles M. Vest |
2006 |
Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS) |