The Center for Studies in Higher Education (CSHE) was established in 1957 by the Regents of the University of California, with the support of a grant from the Carnegie Corporation, as the first research unit in the United States solely devoted to the study of higher education policy issues.
Reflecting its original charge, CSHE: 1) pursues multidisciplinary research and supports a network of scholars; 2) serves as a hub of research on higher education for the multi-campus University of California system and internationally; 3) organizes events and a visiting scholars program; 4) acts as a forum for policy discussions 4) generates publications and other forms of dissemination of the work of researchers and practitioners; 5) provides programs to support young researchers and to develop the next generation of academic leaders.
The convergence of such issues as growing inequality in much of the world, politicalization of policy debates, attacks on academic freedom, declines in public funding, and changing demographics, present serious challenges for higher education in California, the nation, and the world. CSHE is addressing these issues through individual research and publications by staff and associates, and through research programs that foster discussions and demonstrate applications of solutions.
CSHE is an Organized Research Unit (ORU) at UC Berkeley.
Research Interests at CSHE
- California College Data and Policy
- Academic Freedom
- Greater Access to Higher Education
- Admissions Policies
- Student Experiences and Outcomes
- Neo-Nationalism/The Role of Universities in Promoting Democracy Internationalization
- History of the University of California
- Women and Minorities in Higher Education
- California’s Master Plan for Higher Education
- Higher Education Governance and Finance
- Curricular Evolution in Relation to Emerging Research and Society’s Needs and Values
Current Projects
Past CSHE Research Projects
Research Universities Going Global
Evolving Public Role of Universities in Chile and California
Humanities and Liberal Arts in Public Research Universities
The New Flagship University Project
Pension Reform in Higher Education
Cost Drivers and Alternative Funding Strategies in Higher Education
Employee Benefit Costs at the University of California and California State
The Future of Scholarly Communication
Higher Education in the Digital Age
Chronicle of the University of California (Suspended)
Mission and Financial Sustainability of Public Research Universities
The President and the UC System
Organizing Knowledge: Perspectives on the University
The University of Califoirnia and the Sierra Club
Access of Ethnic Minorities to Higher Education
Community College Transfers and Science Bachelor's Degree
Approaches to Engineering Education