Research Universities Going Global


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Researchers & Associates

John Douglass
RUGG Project Director, CSHE Senior Research Fellow – Public Policy and Higher Education,

Richard Edelstein
CSHE Research Associate

Cecile Hoareau McGrath

CSHE Research Associate
Management Consultant ICF

Georg Krücken
Director INCHER, University of Kassel, Germany

Anna Kosmützky 

Professor University of Hannover
Leibniz Center for Science and Society

Marijk van der Wende

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Harvard Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies

Ufuk (Grace) Taneri
Chancellor Emeritus, Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus

Rahul Choudaha
CSHE Research Associate

Senior Researcher and SERU Consortium Director
Center for Studies in Higher Education
Goldman School of Public Policy
UC Berkeley
Brad Farnsworth
Principal Fox Hollow Advisory
Formerly Vice President ACE's Center for Internationalization and Global Engagement
Bryan E. Penbrase
Professor of Science
Vice President for Sponsored Research and External Academic Relations
Soka University of America

Universities are affected by the global economy, new communication technologies, and fundamental changes in the markets for students, faculty and graduates. Research universities in particular are attempting to be influential global actors, developing new collaborations with other universities, establishing branch campuses, enrolling increased numbers of international students, adopting English in professional and other degree programs.

What strategies are being adopted by leading research universities in the U.S. and Europe to respond to these new contingencies and ensure their future viability and prestige? This research collaboration seeks to develop a series of empirical studies of how universities throughout the world are adapting and changing their missions, operations and institutional culture to accommodate a more complicated and networked world. 

The Research Universities Going Global (RUGG) project is a collaboration between researchers and associates affiliated with the Center for Studies in Higher Education at UC Berkeley  and the International Centre for Higher Education Research (INCHER), University of Kassel, Germany.

Project Related Publications and Papers