Current Approaches to Improvement of College and University Teaching

Current Approaches to Improvement of College and University Teaching graphic

Lecture | April 29| 12 p.m. PDT | Youtube

Join a stirring and content-rich discussion of college and university teaching addressing: 

  • What has learning science research discovered over the past decade that can improve teaching substantially?
  • How does great quality teaching vary by discipline?
  • What technological tools and methods have been developed recently that can enhance teaching?
  • How do students from different backgrounds and with different types of preparation benefit from various instructional techniques?
  • To what degree is student learning a result of teachers’ mastery of their discipline and command of pedagogy rather than individual student engagement and preparation?
  • How can assessment data be used to increase student learning?
  • What incentives should be offered for improvements in college and university teaching quality? 

Richard Arum, Dean, School of Education and Professor of Sociology, University of California, Irvine
Corbin Campbell, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, American University
Aaron Pallas, Professor of Sociology and Education, Columbia University