Employer’s Perceptions on American Association of Colleges and Universities Essential Learning Outcomes

Lecture | Thursday, June 22, 2023 | 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. PT | RSVP

In a world where the workforce is changing and the attainment of a higher education credential is essential; the need to build connections, establish effective communication, and cultivate partnerships between employers and academia is critical. Are your student’s ready for the workforce, and how would you know? What skills are important to employers and do they mirror what institutions value as important skills?  Are employers aware of different frameworks institutions are using to build curriculum and evaluate learning? This webinar will provide a brief background on learning and employability frameworks, the current use of the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) essential learning outcomes, share findings from focus groups with line managers supervising recent graduates, discuss instructional strategies to improve skills identified by the line managers as important but weak, and consider opportunities for collaboration between employers and academia.