The meanings of social justice in practice when one theorizes and teaches in social sciences

Webinar | November 29, 2021 |1:00 pm Chile | 5:00 pm Germany  | 8:00 am PST | Zoom 

Social sciences include a variety of disciplines and sub-discipline: Anthropology, communication studies, economics, sociology, psychology, political sciences, psychology, geography, to name a few. Each of them offers epistemologies, methodologies and approaches to raise questions about social economic inequality, distribution of power and rights among different social actors, and the role of social institutions to interrupt or reproduce injustice.
Yet, what is less talked about is how social scientists, in their individual spaces, make choices and activities associated with the role of teaching, doing research, mentoring and participating in community projects within the structure of doctoral education.
In the fifth webinar of the series "Committing ourselves to Social Justice: Doctoral Education for Complex Times", CIRGE has invited two scholars - Carolina Guzman-Valenzuela from Chile and Peter Sachweh from Germany - to share how they theorize and practice social justice in their specific academic spaces within their doctoral education ecosystem.


Carolina Guzmán-Valenzuela is a professor of Higher Education at the University of Tarapacá (Chile). Her research agenda includes the study of university teaching-learning processes, academic development and the role of universities in the XXI century. Currently, she is leading a project that analyzes the effects of colonial legacies on the knowledge production of social science in Latin America.

Patrick Sachweh is a professor and dean of the Bremen International Graduate School in Social Sciences (BIGSSS) at the University of Bremen (Germany). His most recent research interrogates how social narratives about the causes and consequences of the economic crisis resulting from the Corona pandemic are negotiated in the German and Italian public debates.

This is the fifth webinar of the series: Committing Ourselves to Social Justice: Doctoral Education for Complex Times organized by the Center for Innovation and Research in Graduate Education (CIRGE) and co-sponsored by the Center for Studies in Higher Education, Berkeley.