The Center for Studies in Higher Education is currently accepting applications from UC Berkeley doctoral students, who are writing dissertations focused on higher education, to join a stimulating research seminar to be held in 2020-2021.
The Gardner Seminar enables students to meet and work with colleagues in other departments at the university. Its goal is to provide an opportunity for students to engage with a range of disciplines that are related to higher education and to learn from scholars about their current research. Additionally, we aim to broaden the students’ understanding of different research tools, give them the opportunity to present their own dissertation work and to explore potential career opportunities.
The seminar will meet every other week for two hours - seven times a semester. Scholars, from both on and off campus, share presentations on key issues affecting higher education policies for California, the nation and other countries.
Participants in the seminar will be called David P. Gardner Fellows. Upon completion of the seminar, they will receive a $3,000 stipend.
Those wishing to apply should send a letter of application by June 15, 2020 to George Blumenthal, Director of the Center for Studies in Higher Education at In the application identifying their department, degree program, dissertation director, and projected date of completion, and describing their dissertation topic. Applicants should also include a letter of endorsement from their dissertation director.
Please note that the number of stipends available are limited. Students interested are encouraged to apply as soon as possible-applications will be considered as they are received.
We look forward to engaging a new group of doctoral students in the seminar for Fall 2020.
George Blumenthal
Director, Center for Studies in Higher Education
Chancellor Emeritus, UC Santa Cruz
Professor Emeritus of Astronomy & Astrophysics, UC Santa Cruz