Richard J. Edelstein is a Senior Research Associate at Berkeley’s Center for Studies in Higher Education where he collaborates with John Douglass, Senior Research Fellow, on studies of the impact of globalization on higher education institutions. He is also Principal and Managing Director at Global University Concepts, a higher education consultancy he launched to advise universities on international strategies and the development of partnerships and alliances with foreign institutions. He was Director of International Affairs for six years at AACSB International, the primary U.S. university business school association and accrediting agency. For seven years he was in France as Director of the IMHI MBA program in hospitality management , a joint project of ESSEC Business School in Paris and Cornell University. For over ten years Edelstein worked in several administrative positions for international projects at the University of California, Berkeley.
- GLOBALIZATION AND STUDENT LEARNING: A Literature Review and Call for Greater Conceptual Rigor and Cross-Institutional Studies by Richard Edelstein CSHE.6.14 (April 2014) Douglass, J.A., Edelstein, & Hoareau, C. (2014).
- Bring the world to California: A global hub for higher education. BOOM: A Journal of California, 4(1), 54-61.
- Why are research universities going global? with John Aubrey Douglass, University World News, September 7, 2013 Issue No:286
- Seeking Smart Growth: The Idea of a California Global Higher Education Hub with John Douglass and Cécile Hoareau, California Journal of Politics and Policy Volume 5, Issue 1, pp. 1-29 (January 2013)
- Comprehending the International Initiatives of Universities: A Taxonomy of Modes of Engagement and Institutional Logics with John Aubrey Douglass, CSHE Research and Occasional Paper Series #19.12, University of California, Berkeley (December 2012)
- Whither the Global Talent Pool: The U.S. Remains Competitive but Lacks a Strategic Approach with John Douglass, Change, Vol. 41, No. 4, July/August 2009.
- The Global Competition for Talent: The rapidly changing market for international students (with John Douglass), Change Magazine 2009
International strategies of universities, branch campuses, global competence or citizenship myth or reality?, foreign language study and the undergraduate curriculum, universities as organizations