6th Annual SERU Research Symposium - The Research University Advantage: Exploring What Distinguishes the Student Experience in Major Research Universities

Co-Sponsored by the Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching, Learning, Academic Planning and Facilities, UC Berkeley; and the UC Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate.

The 6th SERU Research Symposium gathered representatives from our SERU Consortium member universities in Berkeley with the following questions as the main theme: what distinguishes the undergraduate student experience in major research universities? What are the ideals of the research university in undergraduate education and how might we seek an analytical framework to help improve the student experience?

In the midst of significant debate over issues such as learning outcomes and the role of research universities in larger systems of higher education, this symposium explored academic and civic engagement among the SERU Consortium member campuses with a focus on the following topical areas:

Academic Engagement – In a research university environment, what is the range of research opportunities and influences on student behaviors and other forms of academic engagement? What are the factors that help explain disengagement?

Civic Engagement – To what extent are students engaged in public service? How does that experience influence their academic engagement and general satisfaction with their education?

Outcomes – What are the patterns of self-reported learning gains and what is their relative validity when compared to other gauges of learning outcomes? What factors help to explain time to degree?

Best Uses of SERU Data – How are SERU member universities using their survey data? What innovations and best practices have resulted?

Participation by the SERU Research Symposium was by invitation.

For more information, contact John Douglass at: douglass@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)