Samuel Sponem

Job title: 
Chairholder,International CPA Chair for Research in Management Control & Associate Professor at HEC Montreal

Samuel Sponem is Chairholder of the International CPA Chair for Research in Management Control and Associate Professor at HEC Montreal.

       His research and teaching interests focus on the use and impacts of management control and accounting tools in private and public organizations. He worked on how budgets are used and on the variety of roles played by accountants in large organizations. He also studied the different roles of management control and performance measurement tools in non-profit and creative organizations.

       In the field of higher education, he worked on how faculty and administrators perceive the introduction of performance measures in French universities as well as their impacts on academic identity and university governance. During his year as a Visiting Scholar at the UC Berkeley Center for Studies in Higher Education, Samuel Sponem wishes to further this work by studying how universities react to budget cuts and the impact of such measures on university strategies.

Following his studies at ENS Cachan (École normale supérieure de Cachan), Samuel Sponem received his PhD in Management Sciences from Paris-Dauphine University. He was an Assistant Professor at the Conservatoire national des arts et métiers in Paris before joining HEC Montréal’s faculty in 2010. He is visiting scholar at the UC Berkeley Center for Studies in Higher Education for 2015-2016.

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Publications in the field of Higher Education

  • Chatelain-Ponroy, S., Mignot-Gérard, S., Musselin, C., & Sponem, S. (2013). De l’opposition « politiques/administratifs » au clivage « centre/périphérie » : les divergences de perception des outils de mesure dans les universités. Politiques et Management Public, 30(4), 495–518.
  • Chatelain-Ponroy, S., Mignot-Gérard, S., Musselin, C., & Sponem, S. (2014). La prise de décision stratégique dans les organisations publiques collégiales. In B. Mazouz (Ed.), La stratégie des organisations de l’Έtat (pp. 137–158). Presses Universitaires du Québec.
  • Chatelain-Ponroy, S., Mignot-Gérard, S., Musselin, C., & Sponem, S. (2014). The impact of recent reforms on the institutional governance of French universities. In M. Shattock (Ed.), International Trends in University Governance: Autonomy, Self-Government and the Distribution of Authority (pp. 67–88). Routledge.

Communications in the field of Higher Education

  • Chatelain-Ponroy, S., Mignot-Gérard, S., Musselin, C., & Sponem, S. (2012). “Oui” à la performance et “oui” aux valeurs du public : les paradoxes de la communauté universitaire française ? In Colloque international AIRMAP - Valeurs publiques.
  • Chatelain-Ponroy, S., Mignot-Gérard, S., Musselin, C., & Sponem, S. (2012). Quantifier l’enseignement supérieur. Une exploration des rôles des indicateurs dans les universités françaises. In IVème symposium international : Regards croisés sur les transformations de la gestion et des organisations publiques - La gestion des interfaces politico-administratives à l’aune des indicateurs de la performance publique.
  • Chatelain-Ponroy, S., Mignot-Gérard, S., Musselin, C., & Sponem, S. (2013). La gouvernance des universitaires Françaises: État de la situation et enjeux. Presented at the 81e du Congrès de l’Acfas - Colloque 10 - La collaboration universitaire France-Québec à l’heure des savoirs sans frontière.
  • Chatelain-Ponroy, S., Mignot-Gérard, S., Musselin, C., & Sponem, S. (2014). Academics’ values in French universities. Is commitment to performance compatible with commitment to university “publicness”? In 4th RESUP International Conference: University missions. Reconfiguration, interplay and contradictions. 
  • Chatelain-Ponroy, S., Musselin, C., Mignot-Gérard, S., & Sponem, S. (2012). État des lieux de la gouvernance des universités françaises. Presented at the Congrès de la CDU. La gouvernance des universités, quelle place pour les UFR dans le cadre des RCE ? ’.
  • Chatelain-Ponroy, S., Musselin, C., Mignot-Gérard, S., & Sponem, S. (2013). Reforms in French Public Universities. How does commitment to performance match with commitment to public values?. Presented at the 29th EGOS colloquium - Bridging Continents, Cultures and Worldviews.
  • Chatelain-Ponroy, S., Musselin, C., Mignot-Gérard, S., & Sponem, S. (2013). Reforms in French Public Universities. How does commitment to performance match with commitment to public values? In the 26th annual conference of the Consortium of Higher Education Researchers (CHER).
  • Boitier, M., Chatelain-Ponroy, S., Mignot-Gérard, S., Musselin, C., Riviere, A., & Sponem, S. (2014). Le Nouveau Management Public dans les universités fraņcaises, un puzzle doctrinal encore mal articulé en pratiques ? In Colloque international de l’Association Internationale de Recherche en management Public (AIRMAP) “ Management public : et si les fins justifiaient les moyens... ”. Aix en Provence, France.
  • Boitier, M., Chatelain-Ponroy, S., Mignot-Gérard, S., Musselin, C., Riviere, A., & Sponem, S. (2015). Le Nouveau Management Public dans les universités françaises, un puzzle doctrinal encore mal articulé en pratiques ? In Congrès de l’Association Francophone de Comptabilité (AFC). Toulouse, France.
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