ShuiMei Bao

Job title: 
Associate Professor

ShuiMei Bao is currently a Visiting Scholar at Center for Studies in Higher Education (CSHE), UC Berkeley. She is also working as associate professor of LanZhou University in China.

Her research focuses on Teacher Professional Development, Comparative Higher Education, Postgraduate Education, Higher Education Policy and Management. Her most recent research focuses on the objective diagnosis and evaluation of the professional development level of graduate supervisors in China(take all graduate supervisors of 56 universities with graduate schools as the survey sample), and discusses how to improve the quality of talent cultivation by the topic of Research on Evaluation and Promotion of Professional Development Level of Graduate Supervisors in China.

Bao has written the book of A Study on the Curriculum Construction of Academic Doctoral Students in China (published by the science press,2016) and published a series of papers in higher education, such as :

  1. From "Government Strategy" To "Institutional Action":Practice And Experience Of Building A World-class Disciplines In Hongkong[J]. Higher engineering education research,2017(3).
  2. Shuimei Bao, Qiaoli Chang.A Study on the Polices to Build World-Class Universities in HongKong[J].Journal of National Academy of Education Administration,2017(1).
  3. Shuimei Bao, Qiaoli Chang. A Study of Yale’s Online Education Strategy—Based on the Analysis of the annual report of Yale Committee on Online Education[J].  E-education Research ,2017(8).
  4. Shuimei Bao.Shackles of Teaching Method Reform in Chinese Universities[J].Journal of Sichuan Normal University ( Social Sciences Edition ),2017(6).
  5. Shuimei Bao, Qiaoli Chang. A Study of Operating Mechanism of Polices to Build World-Class Universities :HongKong’s Experience and Inspiration[J]. Education development research,2016(23).
  6. Shuimei Bao,Dong Yang.The Progressive Education Ideals And The Development Of Ed. D [J].Fudan Education Forum, 2016(5).
ShuiMei Bao