Maria Veronica Santelices, PhD, is an associate professor at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Department of Education. Her research interests include educational measurement and educational policy. In higher education, she has researched admissions to selective institutions both in Chile and in the United States, and the impact of financial aid on educational outcomes. She received a PhD in Education from University of California Berkeley in 2007, a Masters in Public Policy from the Goldman School of Public Policy in 2001, and a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile in 1997.
During her stay at the Center for Studies of Higher Education, she will work on a book about the initiatives implemented in Chile during the last forty years with the goal of increasing equity in higher education. These initiatives include the private provision of tertiary education starting in 1980, the growing support provided by the state to low-income students through financial aid, the increasing importance of institutional financial aid, a university admissions system that has made efforts to reduce the important weight that standardized test scores have traditionally had in admissions decisions and institutional-level programs implemented to broaden the admission of low income students to selective institutions. The book will include a comparative analysis of Chile´s and United States Higher Education Systems and challenges, levering particularly on the experience of California, Texas and Florida.
Publications in the Field of Higher Education
- Santelices, M. V. and Wilson, M. (2015). "The Revised SAT Score and Its Potential Benefits for the
- Admission of Minority Students to Higher Education". Education Policy Analysis Archives, 23 (125).
- Santelices M.V., Catalán, X, Kruger, D. & Horn, C.(2015). Determinants of Persistence and the Role of Financial Aid: Lessons from Chile. Higher Education, 71(3), 323-342. doi: 10.1007/s10734-015-9906-6.
- Horn, C., Santelices M.V., Catalán, X. (2014). Modeling the Impacts of National and Institutional Financial Aid Opportunities on Persistence at an Elite Chilean University. Higher Education, 68, 471-488.
- Santelices, M. V., Ugarte, J. J, Flotts, P., Radovic, D. & Kyllonen, P. (April, 2011). Measurement of New Attributes for Chile’s Admissions System to Higher Education, ETS Research Report 11-18. Princeton: New Jersey.
- Santelices, M. V. and M. Wilson (2010). Responding to Claims of Misrepresentations. Harvard Educational Review. Vol. 80. No 2, 413-416.
- Santelices, M. V. and M. Wilson (2010). Unfair Treatment? The Case of Freedle, the SAT and the Standardization Approach to Differential Item Functioning. Harvard Educational Review. Vol. 80. No 1, 106-133.