Writing guidelines for long-term Visiting Scholar applicants to CSHE
1. Title: Does the title accurately reflect the content?
2. Purpose of the proposed study:
- What is the intellectual goal?
- What will be learned through your work?
- Is it expressed in concrete, specific, and detailed language?
- What will be the final output or product(s) of your efforts? Research paper(s), a report, a book, a dissertation?
- Are these realistic and doable?
3. Background and Justification
- Why is this research needed?
- What is the broader rationale for the project?
- How does it relate to or build on other work in the area—be specific with names of those who work in a similar and/or related field and their significant publications.
- How much work have you already done on this topic?
- Is it related to your ongoing work in your own country?
- Will it be a comparison between some aspect of US higher educations and its parallel in your country?
- How familiar are you with US authors on this topic?
- Have you already done a literature review, or will that be part of what you would do at CSHE where you have access to English language literature?
- Will it involve interviews? A survey? [Be aware that in the US it is necessary for the study to be approved by the UCB Office for the Protection of Human Subjects (OPHS). This involves a formal process which requires a UCB Principal Investigator (PI) to co-sponsor your application and for you to receive Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval.]
4. Project Plan: Tasks and Timeline
- How and when will you accomplish your goal(s)?
- How have you broken down the steps you will take to accomplish this research?
- How long do you estimate that it will take you to accomplish each of these steps?
- Do you have a schedule for completed tasks? If accepted, can you begin these tasks before you arrive at CSHE?
5. Qualifications: Please add no more than a paragraph on your specific experiences or qualifications for this project.
6. Reference List: Please provide a short selected bibliography of English language publications or translated titles in English.