ROPS Special Thematic Issue 2023: Reflections on the Challenges of Representation and Academic Freedom

CSHE is devoted to supporting open and civil debate on key issues facing higher education. The ROPS contribution posted below by Steven Brint and Komi Frey discusses what some may view as a controversial issue within the academy, specifically University of California policies and practices related to DEI statements used in the hiring and advancement of faculty, and how they intersect with academic freedom, as well as broader issues related to the contemporary academic culture of universities. Because the editors of ROPS anticipated differing views regarding their analysis, and for the purpose...


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ROPS 2023

ROPS papers published in 2023

The Attractiveness of European Higher Education Systems: A Comparative Analysis of Faculty Remuneration and Career Paths by Alice Civera, Erik E. Lehmann, Michele Meoli & Stefano Paleari, CSHE.1.23 (March 2023)

Alice Civera; Erik E. Lehmann; Michele Meoli; Stefano Paleari

The academic professoriate is a determinant of successful higher education systems. Yet, recently, worsening conditions of employment, deteriorating salaries, and threats to job security have made the academic profession less attractive, especially to young scholars, in several countries. This paper investigates the salaries as well as the recruitment and retention procedures in public higher education institutions from a cross country perspective. The UK, Germany, France, and Italy are adopted as case studies to determine the attractiveness of European higher education systems. The...

Creating a Great Public University: The History and Influence of Shared Governance at the University of California by John Aubrey Douglass, CSHE 4. 2023 (October 2023)

John Aubrey Douglass

Since establishing its first campus in 1868, the University of California (UC), California’s landgrant university, developed into the nation’s first multicampus systemin the United States, and is today widely recognized as the world’s premier network of public research universities. This short essay provides a...