
150 W History Collection Launched!

June 14, 2024
150W Berkeley Project

October 3, 2020 marks the 150th anniversary ofthe UC Regents’ unanimous approval of a resolution by Regent Samuel F. Butterworth: “That young ladies be admitted into the University on equal terms in all respects with young men.” The first women were admitted in 1870, and Rosa Scrivner became the first woman to graduate in 1874 with a Bachelor's degree in Agriculture. Since then, countless women have graduated from UC Berkeley. They have made invaluable contributions to the campus and the world beyond.

This 150W collection highlights untold narratives and...

Graduate Women at Berkeley and Women in Science

Anne MacLachlan has worked for many years researching the experience of women and underrepresented minorities in doctoral education at Berkeley and their career paths with a focus on those in STEM fields. Her project for 150W is to write the history of women in doctoral education from the first Ph.D. granted to a woman at Berkeley in 1898 and place Berkeley development in the context of graduate education at Berkeley and in the US. She completed one of the...

As I Walk these Paths: Honoring the Unheralded Courage of the African American Women Pioneers of the University of California, Berkeley

By Gia White

Administrative Director, Global, International and Area Studies

“Thus has the Negro girl proven her right to a share of democracy. Rights and liberties of civilized humanity include the right to move freely over the face of the earth. Yet after Negro girls have labored to acquire the needed education and culture, most of the doors of industry are shut in their faces, not because of their inability, but because of their color.”

Vivian Osborne Marsh, Oakland Tribune, May 9, 1926

A glance, a scent, a sound. All vehicles of memory and imagination that...