SERU: Student Experience in the Research University

New SERU Consortium Research Report on Graduate Student Experiences in Japan

December 3, 2024


Given the perceived imbalance in resource allocation and the recognized disparities in degree completion rates across academic disciplines in Japan's higher education system, this study explores the perceptions and experiences of graduate students through a comparison between graduate students in Humanities and Social Sciences and those in Sciences and Engineering. Osaka University has been chosen as the case study because it is one of the former empirical and research-intensive universities located in the international city of Osaka...

Satoshi P. Watanabe

Policy Advisor and Senior Fellow, Government of Japan

Satoshi P. Watanabe is Policy Advisor to the Cabinet for the Global Startup Campus Initiative in the Cabinet Secretariat, Government of Japan. Satoshi concurrently holds a senior fellow position in the Secretariat of Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy in the Cabinet Office. Prior to joining the Government of Japan, as Executive Vice President for Global Strategy at Hiroshima University (HU) Satoshi established a branch of Arizona State University’s Thunderbird School of Global Management on the HU campus, where he also played a key role in launching HU’s School of Informatics and...

Jenae Cohn

Executive Director, Center for Teaching and Learning

Dr. Jenae Cohn writes and speaks about teaching and learning for international audiences. As the Executive Director at the Center for Teaching and Learning at UC Berkeley, she manages the teams responsible for faculty development programming, campus assessment, instructional design, and advising strategy and training. She has developed vision and strategy for implementation of campus-wide instructional support for undergraduate education and is a leader in campus-wide efforts to develop curricular innovation. Through collaborations with academic departments, professional organizations, and...

Jenae Cohn's New UWN Article Features SERU's Keynote Panel on AI

August 10, 2023

In this article, CSHE's Research Associate Jenae Cohn reviewed a keynote panel discussion about artificial intelligence at the 2023 Student Experience in the Research University (SERU) Consortium Symposium. Cohn specifically focused on four aspects: defining AI, how AI may change higher education jobs, academic disciplines in response to AI, and ethical considerations.

Pathways for Improving Doctoral Education – Using Data in the Pre- and Post-COVID Era

John Aubrey Douglass
Igor Chirikov

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic altered the perception of the management challenges facing universities, globally. It has changed the market for domestic and international students, required institutions to move rapidly to online and remote teaching, and brought into question the funding model for many universities, particularly with the specter of reduced tuition income and state funding under the assumption of a global recession.
But is also true that the pandemic, and its impact on higher education, varies by nation, and even by the collective pan-regional response – e.g., Europe...

SERU Mission

Research intensive universities share common goals and challenges. In the constant effort to improve institutional quality, much attention has been focused on faculty and their contribution to the three main purposes of these universities: 1) teaching and learning, 2) research and knowledge production, 3) public service and economic engagement with the societies that give them life and purpose. The SERU Consortium attempts to focus on the student side of this tripartite mission. The SERU Consortium focuses on the undergraduate and graduate student experience at top-tier research intensive...

Senators Ask GAO to Examine If Colleges Are Doing Enough for Disabled Students

January 14, 2021

A bipartisan group of three senators on Wednesday asked the Government Accountability Office to examine whether colleges and universities are doing enough to make sure disabled students have the same access to learning during the coronavirus pandemic as others.

“Under normal circumstances, accessing the appropriate accommodations can prove challenging for students in higher education,” wrote Senators Maggie Hassan, a Democrat from New Hampshire; Bob Casey, a Democrat from Pennsylvania; and Dr. Bill Cassidy, a Republican from Louisiana. “During the COVID-19 pandemic, students face...

Tuition as a Path for Affordability? The Pursuit of a Progressive Tuition Model at the University of California

John Aubrey Douglass
Patrick A. Lapid

In an environment of declining public funding and rising tuition rates, many public universities in the US are moving toward a “progressive tuition model” that attempts to invest approximately one-third of tuition income into institutional financial aid for lower-income and middle-class students. The objective is to mitigate the cost of rising tuition and keep college affordable. But is this model as currently formulated working? Utilizing data from the Student Experience in the Research University (SERU) Survey of undergraduates and other data sources, this study explores these issues by...