The Student Experience in the Research University International (SERU-I) Consortium is based at the Center for Studies in Higher Education at the University of California Berkeley and includes a selective group of top ranked international research universities who share the following objectives:
- Develop and administrator an online, census, and customized version of the SERU survey of first-degree students for international research universities, parallel to the SERU Surveys in the US.
- Conduct research on the student experience, sharing best practices via SERU meetings, symposia, and joint-research projects intended to inform and drive institutional self-improvement in undergraduate education and broaden our understanding of the socioeconomic impact of these institutions.
- Collaborate with SERU North America Consortium members in the generation and sharing of institutional, comparative, and longitudinal data on the student experience, including SERU surveys of students, and based on agreed data sharing protocols.
The SERU Consortium was established in 2000 to develop a survey of students geared toward the research university environment, and to promote both institutional and scholarly uses of the data to help improve undergraduate education. More information on the history of the Consortium, see https://cshe.berkeley.edu/seru/about-seru/seru-history.