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Titlesort descending Author Year Publication type
What Future for UK Higher Education? by Roger Brown Roger Brown 2010 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
WHAT MADE BERKELEY GREAT? The Sources of Berkeley's Sustained Academic Excellence George W. Breslauer 2011 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
WHAT MADE BERKELEY GREAT? The Sources of Berkeley's Sustained Academic Excellence George W. Breslauer 2011 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
What's For Sale These Days In Higher Education: Two Stories Robert M. Rosenzweig 1999 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
What's for Sale These Days in Higher Education: Two Stories, by Robert M. Rosenzweig Robert M. Rosenzweig 1999 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
When are Universities Followers or Leaders in Society? A Framework for a Contemporary Assessment by John Aubrey Douglass, CSHE 1.22 (February 2022) John Aubrey Douglass 2022 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
Why are research universities going global? Richard Edelstein; John Aubrey Douglass 2013 Journal Articles
WHY SOCRATES SHOULD BE IN THE BOARDROOM IN RESEARCH UNIVERSITIES Amanda H. Goodall 2010 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
WHY SOCRATES SHOULD BE IN THE BOARDROOM IN RESEARCH UNIVERSITIES Amanda H. Goodall 2010 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
Why Study Users? An Environmental Scan of Use and Users of Digital Resources in Humanities and Social Sciences Undergraduate Education Diane Harley; Jonathan Henke; Shannon Lawrence 2006 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)