University Admissions

John Aubrey Douglass

Senior Research Fellow, CSHE

John Aubrey Douglass is Senior Research Fellow and Research Professor - Public Policy and Higher Education at the Center for Studies in Higher Education (CSHE) at the University of California - Berkeley. He is the author of Neo-Nationalism and Universities (Johns Hopkins Univeristy Press 2021), ...

Zachary Bleemer

Assistant Professor, Princeton University

Zach Bleemer(link is external) is an Assistant Professor of Economics at Princeton University in the Industrial Relations Section(link is external). He is also a research associate of Opportunity Insights(link is external) and...

Zach Bleemer

Affiliated Faculty

Zach Bleemer is an Assistant Professor of Economics at Princeton University in the Industrial Relations Section. He is also a research associate of Opportunity Insights and the Center for Studies in Higher Education, where he directs the UC ClioMetric History Project


Rahul Choudaha

Senior Researcher - SERU Consortium

Dr. Rahul Choudaha is a Senior Researcher affiliated with the SERU Consortium. As a scholar-practitioner, Choudaha’s applied research focuses on mobility, experiences and enrollment of international students and its implications for internationalization and global engagement strategies. He has worked for nearly 15 years in global education services organizations and held cross-functional leadership roles including Executive Vice President at Studyportals and Chief Knowledge Officer at World Education Services. Choudaha...

Saul Geiser

Senior Associate

Saul Geiser is a research associate at the Center for Studies in Higher Education at the University of California, Berkeley. He received his Ph.D. in sociology from UC Berkeley and taught there before joining UC’s Office of the President in 1981. Geiser served as director of admissions research for the UC system after Californians voted to end affirmative action in 1996, and he helped redesign UC admissions policy. His work has focused on issues of equity and validity in college admissions, with the aim of identifying admissions criteria that have less adverse impact on low-income and...

Steven G. Brint

SERU Principal Researcher; Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Public Policy, University of California, Riverside
Sociology and Public Policy, University of California, Riverside

Steven Brint is Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Public Policy at the University of California, Riverside, Director of the Colleges & Universities 2000 Project, and a Principal Researcher in the SERU Consortium.

Brint is an organizational sociologist whose research focuses on topics in the sociology of higher education, the sociology of professions, and middle-class politics. His studies of higher education have been funded for two decades by the National Science Foundation and two philanthropies. He is the author of four books: The Diverted Dream (with Jerome Karabel) (...

Karin Fischer

Research Associate

Karin Fischer is a journalist who focuses on higher education. Her primary area of focus is international education, including American colleges' activities overseas, study abroad, the globalization of the college experience, and international-student recruitment. Her work with the Center for Studies in Higher Education will focus on the international student experience, including issues of acculturation, social satisfaction, and academic performance. She is the author of a weekly newsletter, ...

Tom Sweeney

Pre-Doctoral Fellow, Economics

Tom Sweeney is a Tobin Center / Economics Pre-Doctoral Fellow working for Professor Zachary Bleemer at the Yale School of Management working on projects for Opportunity Insights and the University of California. He holds an M.Sc. in Econometrics and Mathematical Economics from the London School of Economics and an M.Sc. in Statistical Science from the University of Oxford. As an undergraduate, Tom majored in economics, mathematics, statistics, and philosophy at Indiana University. His research interests are applied econometrics for big data, income and wealth inequality, housing,...

David Bodovski

Pre-Doctoral Research Fellow at the Yale University Tobin Center

David Bodovski is a Pre-Doctoral Research Fellow working under Dr. Zachary Bleemer in the Yale School of Management. He holds a B.S. in mathematics and economics and an M.A. in economics from Penn State University. His current research includes studying the relative roles of signaling and human capital on the returns to college degrees, the effects of education on political socialization, and the impacts of unionization at universities on enrollment and student outcomes.

Tongshan Chang

Senior Researcher - SERU Consortium, UCOP

Tongshan Chang is Director of Institutional Research and Academic Planning at the University of California (UC) Office of the President and Consultant of UC Systemwide Academic Senate Committees on the Board of Admissions and Relations with Schools (BOARS) and Preparatory Education (UCOPE). He is SERU (Student Experience in the Research University) Senior Researcher at the Center for Studies in Higher Education at UC Berkeley, voluntarily assisting the SERU leadership and principal investigators in recruiting Chinese institutions and conducting...