Marijk Van der Wende

Job title: 
Professor of Higher Education, Utrecht University

Marijk van der Wende is Distinguished Faculty Professor of Higher Education at Utrecht University’s Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance. Her research focuses on the impact of globalization and internationalization on higher education systems, institutions, curricula, and teaching and learning arrangements.

She is also Guest Professor and member of the International Advisory Board of the Graduate School of Education Shanghai Jiao Tong University, a member of the Academia Europaea (the Academy of Europe), and has been a chair and member of numerous national and international advisory committees and editorial boards (full list of current professional affiliations).

Previously she held full professorial positions at CHEPS, University of Twente (2001-2016), VU University Amsterdam (2006-2015), and was a visiting scholar at Harvard University (Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies and Graduate School of Education), Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Center for World-Class Universities and Graduate School of Education), the University of California Berkeley (Center for Studies in Higher Education), and Boston College (Centre for International Higher Education).

She served as Dean of Graduate Studies at Utrecht University (2015-2017), Founding Dean of Amsterdam University College (2007-2015), President of the programme on Institutional Management in Higher Education (IMHE) of the OECD (2005-2011), member of the Higher Education Authority Ireland (2011-2015), the Scientific Board of the Dutch Military Academy (2007-2013), and worked at NUFFIC (the Netherlands Organisation for International Cooperation in Higher Education) (1992-1998), the Academic Cooperation Association (ACA) in Brussels (1994-1998), and in school education in France and the Netherlands (1980-1990).

Marijk holds BA degrees in teaching and pedagogy, and MA and PhD degrees in educational sciences, from the University of Amsterdam and the University of Utrecht respectively.

Recent key publications:

Wende, M.C. van der (2019). Will US-China trade war hinder Europe-China HE links? University World News, 23 June 2019  Issue No: 557.

Marijk van der Wende and Robert Tijssen (2019) China's Belt and Road Initiative finds new research partners in Europe, Nature Index

Kirby, William C. and Marijk C. van der Wende (2018). The New Silk Road: Implications for higher education in China and the West? Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society. Oxford University Press.

Wende, M.C. van der (2018). World-class universities’ contribution to an open society: Chinese universities on a mission? In: Q. Wang, Y. Cheng, & N. Cai Liu (Eds.). World-Class Universities: Towards a Global Common Good and Seeking National and Institutional Contributions. Brill/Sense. Pp. 189-214.

Van Vught, F. A., van der Wende, M. C., & Westerheijden, D. F. (2018). Globalisation and Differentiation in Higher Education Systems. InTheory and Method in Higher Education Research (pp. 85-101). Emerald Publishing Limited.

Damme, D. van & M.C. van der Wende (2018). Global higher education governance. In: B. Cantwell, H. Coates, and R. King (eds.) Handbook on the Politics of Higher Education, Edward Elgar. Pp. 91-114.

Wende, M.C. van der (2017). Reframing universities’ global engagement for an open society. In: Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development (ed.). Prospects and Future and Tasks of Universities: Digitalization - internationalization – differentiation.  LIT Verlag Vienna. Pp. 259-273.

Wende, M.C. van der (2017). Opening Up: Higher Education Systems in Global Perspective . CGHE Working Paper 22. Centre for Global Higher Education Working Paper. University College London.

Kirby, William C. and Marijk C. van der Wende (eds.) (2016). Experiences in Liberal Arts and Science Education from America, Europe, and Asia: A Dialogue across Continents. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Kirby, William. C. & M.C. van der Wende (guest editors) (2016). New Directions in Liberal Arts and Science Education in Asia. Special Issue of the International Journal of Chinese Education. Vol. 5.1. Brill.

Wende, M.C. van der (2015). International Academic Mobility: Towards a Concentration of the Minds in Europe.In: The European Review. Cambridge University Press.Volume 23, issue S1, pp. S70-S88.

More publications


Center for Studies in Higher Education


Marijk Van der Wende
Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS), 2020
Marijk van der Wende; Jiabin Zhu
Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS), 2016
Marijk van der Wende
Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS), 2015
Marijk Van der Wende
Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS), 2009
Marijk Van der Wende
Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS), 2002