University Admissions

George Blumenthal

Former Director, Center for Studies in Higher Education and Chancellor Emeritus, UC Santa Cruz

George R. Blumenthal served as Director of the Center for Studies in Higher Education from 2019 until 2023. He continues his involvement with CSHE as Affiliated Faculty and as a member of the ELA Advisory Board.

Blumenthal was UC Santa Cruz's 10th chancellor. He joined the campus in 1972 as a faculty member in astronomy and astrophysics and was named chancellor on September 19, 2007, after serving as acting chancellor for 14 months.

The Blumenthal era has been marked by a commitment to ensuring that the doors of opportunity at UC Santa Cruz are open to all:

The number...

Huijie Zhang

Institute of Educational Assessment, and Department of Education Management, Faculty of Education, East China Normal University (ECNU) , China

EDUCATION: Ph.D., Education Management, 2013, East China Normal University. (Shanghai); M.Ed, Higher Education, 2004, Xi’an Jiao Tong University. (Shanxi Province);

B. S., Mathematics Education, 2001, Xin Yang Teacher College. (Henan Province)

PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT: 2014- Lecturer, Associate professor, Institute of Educational Assessment, Faculty of Education, East China Normal University; 2004 - 2014 Assistant, Lecturer, Higher Education Research Center, Shandong University.

Social Service: 2006 - 2014 Team member, Shandong Higher Education Evaluation Center,...

Takuya Kimura

Professor, Ph.D, Kyushu University, Japan
Takuya KIMURA is a Japanese Sociologist of Education. He hold Ph.D in Educational Planning from Tohoku University . He is a professor at Kyushu University and the National Center for University Entrance Examinations. He is also the founder and president of Japan Association of College and University Admissions Profession (JACUAP). He holds M.A. in Educational Philosophy from the Graduate School of Education at the University of Tokyo. He has served as Assistant Professor at Kyoto University, Assistant Professor and Associate Professor at Nagasaki University, Associate Professor...

Marijk Van der Wende

Professor of Higher Education, Utrecht University

Marijk van der Wende is Distinguished Faculty Professor of Higher Education at Utrecht University’s Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance. Her research focuses on the impact of globalization and internationalization on higher education systems, institutions, curricula, and teaching and learning arrangements.

She is also Guest Professor and member of the International Advisory Board of the Graduate School of Education Shanghai Jiao Tong University, a member of...