
CSHE has many different kinds of publications. Using the search filters on this page, you can browse all publications at once, or just a certain type, such as:

Title Author Year Publication type
The California Idea and American Higher Education 1850 to the 1960 Master Plan by John Aubrey Douglass (2000) John Aubrey Douglass 2000 Books
West of Eden: The University and the Environment 2000 Chronicle of the University of California
What's For Sale These Days In Higher Education: Two Stories Robert M. Rosenzweig 1999 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
On The Challenge Of Writing A University History: The University Of Oslo Edgeir Benum 1999 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
On the Challenge of Writing a University History: The University of Oslo Edgeir Benum 1999 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
What's for Sale These Days in Higher Education: Two Stories, by Robert M. Rosenzweig Robert M. Rosenzweig 1999 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
The Evolution Of A Social Contract: The University Of California Before And In The Aftermath Of Affirmative Action John Aubrey Douglass 1999 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
The Cold War, Technology and the American University, by John Aubrey Douglass John Aubrey Douglass 1999 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
California After Racial Preferences Martin Trow 1999 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
California After Racial Preferences Martin Trow 1999 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
German and American Higher Education in Comparison: Is the American System Relevant for Germany? Michael Heyman 1999 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
German And American Higher Education In Comparison: Is The American System Revelant For Germany? Michael Heyman 1999 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
Biology At Berkeley Martin Trow 1999 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
Biology at Berkeley, by Martin A. Trow Martin A. Trow 1999 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)
Planning New UC Campuses In The 1960s A Background Paper For UC Merced On The Role Of The Universitywide Senate John Aubrey Douglass 1998 Research and Occasional Papers Series (ROPS)